Sunday, August 31, 2014

Hebrews Highlights August 2014

Here are some of the highlights on Hebrews for the month of August:

New Book Announcement:

The T & T Clark blog announces the publication of Jonathan I. Griffiths' book, Hebrews and Divine Speech.

Synopsis from their website:
"Griffiths offers here an analysis of the theme of divine speech in Hebrews, which recurs throughout the book, often in contexts suggesting connections to other areas of scholarly interest (Christology, soteriology, cosmology, and the writer’s understanding of the nature of his discourse). Through exegetical analysis of the text, and specific focus on the key terms of logos and rhēma, Griffiths finds that, for the writer, God’s speech is the means by which the place of divine rest is accessed, and is supremely expressed in the person of his Son. Hebrews is thus a means of communicating the divine word and effecting an encounter between his hearers and the God who speaks."

Book Reviews:

Carl Mosser reviews Jody Barnard's,  The Mysticism of Hebrews.

Kevin McCruden and Gabriella Geleardini review Gary Cockerill's commentary on The Epistle to the Hebrews.

See my previous post for other reviews.

New Online Articles:

The following article is now available on the Bulletin for Biblical Research website:

Stewart, Alexander. “Cosmology, Eschatology, and Soteriology in Hebrews: A Synthetic Analysis.” Bulletin for Biblical Research 20.4 (2010): 545–60.


Cliff Kvidahl interviews George Guthrie on Studying the Book of Hebrews.


Henry Neufeld queries How Detailed Can We Get? when discussing introductory issues in Bible books. He also comments on the Prologue to the Hebrews.

Jared Compton summarizes Gary Cockerill on the Point of Hebrews 11.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Book Reviews

I have not posted on this blog lately because I moved over the summer and there has been very little activity regarding Hebrews on the biblioblogs. However, there are a number of book reviews that I need to draw your attention to:

Herbert Bateman's Interpreting the General Letters: An Exegetical Handbook has gotten some considerable attention. See the reviews by Charles Savelle, Brian Renshaw, Joel Watts, and Jason Gardner. I just received a copy of the book for review from RBL, but my review will not come out for some time since I have other books to review ahead of it and RBL takes a while to publish reviews submitted to it.

Mike Kibbe reviews Georg Walser's Old Testament Quotations in Hebrews. My own review for RBL should be out soon.

Shawn Wilhite reviews Jon Laansma's essay in his volume co-edited with Daniel Treier, Christology, Hermeneutics and Hebrews: Profiles from the History of Interpretation.

Clifford Kvidahl reviews the first chapter of George Guthrie's The Structure of Hebrews: A Text-Linguistic Analysis.

Jared Compton reviews David Moffitt's Atonement and the Logic of Resurrection in the Epistle to the Hebrews. Do read the exchange between Jared and David in the comments section. The comments section also draws attention to an earlier review of David's work by Aubrey Sequeira.

Finally, I should mention that Christian Brady has posted a synopsis of the paper he presented at the international SBL, "Hebrews 11 is a Midrash of 1 Macc. 2."