Abebe, Sofanit T., Elizabeth W. Mburu, and Abeneazer G. Urga, eds. Reading Hebrews and 1 Peter from Majority World Perspectives. (Bloomsbury T&T Clark).
Belenkaja, Elena. Die Komplementarität räumlicher und zeitlicher Aspekte in der Eschatologie des Hebräerbriefes. (Rainer Hampp Verlag).
Burnet, Régis, ed. The Letter to the Hebrews. Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium 335. (Peeters).
Bucher, Debra J., and Estella Boggs Horning. Hebrews. Believers Church Bible Commentary. (Herald Press).
Cara, Robert J. Hebrews: A Mentor Commentary. (Christian Focus Publications).
Clark, Michael C. Patterns of Repetition, Structure, and Meaning in the Book of Hebrews. (Pickwick Publications).
Gäbel, Georg, Geigenfeind, Matthias, and Müller, Darius. Textforschung
zu Septuaginta, Hebräerbrief und Apokalypse: Die Relevanz von
Textkritik für die Erforschung des frühen Judentums, des Neuen
Testaments und des frühen Christentums Festschrift für Martin Karrer zum
70. Geburtstag. (De Gruyter)
Gray, Patrick, ed. The Oxford Handbook of Hebrews and the Catholic Epistles. (Oxford Academic).
Henry, William W., Jr. Atonement and the Logic of Resurrection in Hebrews 9:27–28: Jesus’s Ministry to Lead Believers for Salvation into Heaven a Very Little While after Individual Death and Judgment. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2024.
Johnson, Dennis E. Perfect Priest for Weary Pilgrims: A Theology of Hebrews. (Crossway).
Levering, Matthew, Piotr Roszak, and Jörgen Vijgen. Reading Hebrews with St. Thomas Aquinas. (Emmaus Academic).
Peeler, Amy. Hebrews. Commentaries for Christian Formation. (Eerdmans).
Trotter, Christine R. Hellenistic Jews and Consolatory Rhetoric: 2 Maccabees, Wisdom of Solomon, 1 Thessalonians, and Hebrews. (Mohr Siebeck).
Wall, Robert W. Reading Hebrews: A Literary and Theological Commentary (Smyth & Helwys).
Woo, Luke. The Spatiotemporal Eschatology of Hebrews: Priestly Participation in the Heavenly Tabernacle. (Bloomsbury T&T Clark).
Andersen, Bob. Who Wrote Hebrews? The Case for Silas and His Message for Today. (Gentle Impact Publishing).
Anderson, Kevin L. Hebrews and the General Epistles. Reading and Interpreting the Bible Series. (Foundry).
Bertolet, Timothy J. The Obedience of Sonship: Adamic Obedience and the Heavenly Ascension in Hebrews. (Fontes Press).
Blackwell, Ben C., John K. Goodrich, Jason Maston, eds. Reading Hebrews in Context: The Sermon and Second Temple Judaism. (Zondervan Academic).
Bloor, Joshua D. A. Purifying the Consciousness in Hebrews: Cult, Defilement and the Perpetual Heavenly Blood of Jesus. (Bloomsbury T&T Clark).
Church, Philip. Never Give Up! The Message of Hebrews. (Wipf & Stock).
Cockerill, Gareth Lee, Craig Bartholomew, and Benjamin T. Quinn, eds. Divine Action in Hebrews and the Ongoing Priesthood of Jesus. (Zondervan Academic).
Garrard, David J. The Epistle to the Hebrews. (Wipf & Stock).
Grindheim, Sigurd. The Letter to the Hebrews. Pillar New Testament Commentary. (Eerdmans).
Kraus, Wolfgang. Studium zum Hebräerbrief. Biblische Zeitschrift - Supplements 6. (Brill).
Lustig, Christian. Tod und Opfer Jesu im Hebräerbrief. WUNT 2/589. (Mohr Siebeck).
Schenck, Kenneth. Explanatory Notes on the Sermon of Hebrews (Wipf & Stock).
Sigismund, Marcus, and Siegfried Kreuzer, eds. Die Schriftzitate im Hebräerbrief als Zeugen für die Überlieferung der Septuaginta. WUNT 2/580. (Mohr Siebeck).
Urga, Abeneazer G. Intercession of Jesus in Hebrews: The Background and Nature of Jesus' Heavenly Intercession in the Epistle to the Hebrews. WUNT 2/585 (Mohr Siebeck).
Urga, Abeneazer G., Edward L. Smither, and Linda P. Saunders, eds. Reading Hebrews Missiologically: The Missionary Motive, Message, and Methods of Hebrews. (William Carey Publishing).
Wengst, Klaus. Messias Und Hohepriester: Jesus Im Hebraerbrief: Versuch, Eine Schwierige Schrift Zu Verstehen (Kohlhammer).
Alexander, T. Desmond. Face to Face with God: A Biblical Theology of Christ as Priest and Mediator. (IVP Academic).
Castanyé, Josep and Jordi Cervera, eds. Martí Luter, Comentari a la Carta als Hebreus. (Centre de Pastoral Liturgica).
Cockerill, Gareth Lee. Yesterday, Today, and Forever: Listening to Hebrews in the Twenty-First Century (Wipf and Stock).
Cyril of Alexandria. Commentaries on Romans, 1–2 Corinthians, and Hebrews. Joel C. Elowsky, ed. David R. Maxwell, trans. (InterVarsity).
Gause, R. Hollis. Hebrews. Pentecostal Commentary Series (Brill).
Loader, William R. G. Christology, Soteriology, and Ethics in John and Hebrews: Collected Essays. WUNT 478. (Mohr Siebeck).
McClister, David. Let Us Draw Near: A Commentary on Hebrews (DeWard).
Moffitt, David M. Rethinking the Atonement: New Perspectives on Jesus's Death, Resurrection, and Ascension (Baker Academic).
Reichert, Jean-Claude. Réalisez ce que vous faites: Les rites de la Messe au regard de la letter aux Hébreux. (Cerf).
Yauri, Benjamin Rojas. Hebrews’ Cosmogonic Presuppositions: Its First-Century Philosophical Context. (Wipf & Stock).
The "Better" Is the Best: Essays on the Book of Hebrews (White Horse Inn).
Honorable mention:
Emadi, Matthew. The Royal Priest: Psalm 110 in Biblical Theology. New Studies in Biblical Theology 60. Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2022.
For previous year's new books, see the archive for 2010–2021.
Daniel Stevens. The Theme of Promise in the Epistle to the Hebrews: A Promise Remains. Forthcoming, April 25, 2025.
Seth Whitaker. Eschatology and the Use of Psalms in Hebrews: Songs for the Last Day. Forthcoming, July 10, 2025, from Bloomsbury T&T Clark.
Stephen C. Wunrow. Heavenly Space in Hebrews and Its Jewish and Christian Environment: Passing through the Heavens. Forthcoming, July 10, 2025, from Bloomsbury T&T Clark.
Kevin McCruden has announced that he has completed a short study on the Christology of Hebrews for Paulist Press: A New and Living Way: Christ in the Letter to the Hebrews. He anticipates it will come out next summer.
Philip and Loveday Alexander have been contracted to apply their
respective specialties in the Judaic and Greco-Roman backgrounds to a
new two-volume ICC
commentary on Hebrews.
Eric Mason is also writing an introductory commentary, Run with Perseverance: An Introduction to the Epistle to the Hebrews (tentative title), for Eerdmans.
David Moffitt is planning to write a book on Hebrews and supersessionism.
David Moffitt's commentary for the New Oxford Bible Commentary has been accepted for publication.
Eric Mason is also writing an introductory commentary, Run with Perseverance: An Introduction to the Epistle to the Hebrews (tentative title), for Eerdmans.
David Moffitt is planning to write a book on Hebrews and supersessionism.
David Moffitt's commentary for the New Oxford Bible Commentary has been accepted for publication.
George Guthrie will be writing a theology of Hebrews in Zondervan's Theology of the New Testament series. He told me he expects it to be over 500 pages!
Scott Mackie is writing a book, roughly titled, Ekphrasis and Epiphany in Hebrews.
Wolfgang Kraus is writing a commentary on Hebrews for the Das Neue Testament Deutsch (NTD) series for Vandenhoek & Ruprecht.
Cynthia Westfall is doing the Baylor Handbook on the Greek Text of Hebrews. She is also slated for the New Covenant Commentary series.
Radu Gheorghita is doing the Hebrews volume for Zondervan's The Story of God Bible Commentary.
Brian Wintle is doing the Hebrews commentary for the India Commentary on the New Testament.
Alan Mitchell is writing the Hebrews volume in a new Oxford commentary series.
Alan Mitchell is also writing a book on Hebrews and supercessionism for Paulist press.
Scott Mackie is writing a book, roughly titled, Ekphrasis and Epiphany in Hebrews.
Wolfgang Kraus is writing a commentary on Hebrews for the Das Neue Testament Deutsch (NTD) series for Vandenhoek & Ruprecht.
Cynthia Westfall is doing the Baylor Handbook on the Greek Text of Hebrews. She is also slated for the New Covenant Commentary series.
Radu Gheorghita is doing the Hebrews volume for Zondervan's The Story of God Bible Commentary.
Brian Wintle is doing the Hebrews commentary for the India Commentary on the New Testament.
Alan Mitchell is writing the Hebrews volume in a new Oxford commentary series.
Alan Mitchell is also writing a book on Hebrews and supercessionism for Paulist press.
Madison Pierce is working on the Hebrews commentary for the Baker Exegetical Commentary of the New Testament.
Ben Blackwell is editing Hebrews in Context: The Sermon and Second Temple Judaism for Zondervan.
Dana Harris will be doing the Hebrews volume for The Bible in God's Word commentary series.
Félix Cortez is working on a commentary on Hebrews for Pacific Press.
David deSilva is listed as doing an updated edition for the Word Biblical Commentary.
Abeneazer Urga is doing the Hebrews commentary for the Africa Bible Commentary Series.
He is also doing the Hebrews commentary for the Word and Spirit Commentary on the New Testament.
According to Bestcommentaries.com, the following are forthcoming:
Fanning, Buist in Evangelical Exegetical Commentary (EEC)
Nelson, R. David in Brazos Theological Commentary (BTC)
Joslin, Barry in Focus on the Bible (FB)
Moo, Douglas J. in Zondervan Exegetical Commentary (ZEC)
Motyer, Steve in Two Horizons New Testament Commentary (THNTC)
Thatcher, Tom in New Covenant Commentary Series (NCCS)
Allen, David L. in Christian Standard Commentary
Lyons, John in Blackwell Bible Commentaries