
Included on this page are audio and video resources. These resources tend to be more academic in nature. If you are looking for more popular audio or video resources, go to the Sermons, Bible Studies, Devotionals Etc. page.

See sidebar for additional resources.

Tasos, Anton - Reading of the Book of Hebrews in Greek.

Alexander, Loveday and Philip: "Why write another commentary on Hebrews?"

Allen, David - Jesus, Scripture, and Sermon as Word of God. Northcutt Lectures 2008, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Allen, David - Was the Author of Hebrews a Charismatic? Northcutt Lectures 2008, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Allen, David - Was the Author of Hebrews a Calvinist? Northcutt Lectures 2008, Soutwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Allen, David - The 7 Wonders of Jesus [Sermon on Hebrews 1:1–4] - Chapel sermon at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Attridge, Harold W. and David L. Bartlett - Yale Bible Study on Hebrews. In connection with the Congregational Church of New Canaan, CT.

Bateman, Herbert W. - Cyber-Center for Biblical Studies:
Four Views on the Warning Passage in Hebrews - video review with Aaron Peer.
Hebrews - overview with Scott Barger.
Understanding the New Covenant in Hebrews - with George H. Guthrie.
Understand the Background of Hebrews - with George H. Guthrie.
Hebrews: Track the Christ-ology - with George H. Guthrie.
Hear the Word of Encouragement - with George H. Guthrie.

Bible Project - The Letter to the Hebrews.

Bird, Michael. Three Sermons on Hebrews at Ridley Chapel.

Black, David Alan. Who Wrote Hebrews? The Ten Minute Bible Hour.

Bloor, Joshua. "Apostasy and Falling Away in Hebrews." Seven Minute Seminary. Seedbed.

Caird, George Bradford. Lectures on New Testament Theology: Hebrews (1979–1980)
     Lecture 30
     Lecture 31
     Lecture 32
     Lecture 33
     Lecture 34
     Lecture 35
     Lecture 36
     Lecture 37

Carson, D. A. TEDS Lecture Series: The Book of Hebrews
     Video 1
     Video 2
     Video 3
     Video 4

Carson, D. A. Hebrews: Jesus Is Better.

Center for Pastoral Theologian - "Hebrews, Interpretation, and Preaching."
     Part 1
     Part 2

Cockerill, Gareth. 2011 Chamberlain Holiness Lectures at Wesley Biblical Seminary:
     #1 Such a Great Salvation
     #2 For We Have Such a High Priest
     #3 Pioneer and Perfecter of the Faith
     #4 Gratitude and Godly Fear

Cockerill, Gareth, "'Do not Refuse the One Who is Speaking' (Heb 12:25): Hebrews and Contemporary Preaching." Carl F. H. Henry for Theological Understanding. 2013.

Cockerill, Gary. “Episode #5: “The End Game” Hebrews 12:1–4." Sermon at Asbury University.

DeSilva, David. "Our Great High Priest"

Gaffin, Richard B. - Theology of Hebrews. 20 lectures at Westminster Theological Seminary (requires downloading iTunes software).

Goodacre, Mark - NT Pod 36: The Epistle to the Hebrews: First Look.

Goodacre, Mark - NT Pod 37: What Is the Purpose of the Epistle to the Hebrews.

Gospel Coalition, The. Contains over 400 audio resources on Hebrews.

Guthrie, George. Hebrews.

Guthrie, George. Unlocking Hebrews: Why This Book Matters for Your Faith.

Harland, Philip. Podcasts on Religions of the Ancient Mediterranean:     Podcast 2.10: Hebrews’ Portrait of Jesus – Highpriest Melchizedek, part 1 (Download)
     Podcast 2.11: Hebrews’ Portrait of Jesus – Highpriest Melchizedek, part 2 (Download)

Heiser, Michael. The Naked Bible podcasts
     Introducing the Book of Hebrews
     Hebrews 1:1–4
     Hebrews 1:5–14
     Melchizedek - Part 3 (Hebrews 7)
     Hebrews 2
     Hebrews 3
     Hebrews 4:1–13
     Hebrews 4:14–5:10
     Hebrews 5:11–6:20
     Hebrews 7
     Hebrews 8
     Hebrews 9
     Hebrews 10
     Hebrews 11
     Hebrews 12
     Hebrews 13
     Hebrews Q&A Part 1
     Hebrews Q&A Part 2

Hemsworth, William. Who Wrote Hebrews?

Husbeck, Elgin. Video teachings.

Jamieson, R. B. The Paradox of Sonship. Nicholas Noyola interviews Jamieson about his book, The Paradox of Sonship.

Keener, Craig. Hebrews Summary.

Keener, Craig. Hebrews in 11 Minutes.

Kevin Burr Podcast. On Hebrews with Ben Witherington.

Kruger, Michael. RTS Charlotte Women's Bible Study on Hebrews.

Kuist, Howard Tillmann, Lectures on Hebrews, Asbury Theological Seminary.
Addresses Delivered at the vespers service of the 1963 Evangelical Seminary Ministers Conference.
     The Keynote of the Christian Evangel: A Study of the Epistle to the Hebrews, Chapters 1 and 2.
     The Urgency of the Christian Evangel: A Study of the Epistle to the Hebrews, Chapters 3 and 4.
     The Rudiments of the Christian Evangel: A Study of the Epistle to the Hebrews, Chapter 5 and 6.
     The Finality of the Christian Evangel: A Study of the Epistle to the Hebrews, Chapter 7.

Laansma, Jon with David Capes. Entering God's Resting Place (Hebrews 4:1–11). Exegetically Speaking.

LeBoutillier, Paul - Calvary Chapel Ontario

Linnemann, Eta. "Wer schrieb den Hebräerbrief?"

Mackie, Tim. Hebrews. The Bible in Five.

Martin, Dale - Interpreting Scripture: Hebrews (Introduction to New Testament Course at Yale).

Mazzalongo, Mike - Hebrews: The Glorious Jesus

Miller, Andy with Rick Boyd. Bible Study Method and the Key to Hebrews.

Mohler, Albert. - audio teachings on Hebrews.

Mounce, Bill. Class on the New Testament: Hebrews.

Mounce, Bill. 52 Major Stories of the Bible: Hebrews.

Nash, Ronald. Hebrews. History of Philosophy and Christian Thought.

Paul, Ian & James Blandford-Baker. The Humanity of Jesus in Hebrews 2.

Peeler, Amy. "The Barriers and Brilliance of Hebrews." Riley Heppner Podcast.

Peeler, Amy. Podcast on Hebrews, Jesus' Maleness, and Women.

Peeler, Amy. "How to Understand Hebrews!" The Center for Bible Study.

Peeler, Amy & David Capes. Author and Perfecter of Faith. Hebrews 12:1–2. Exegetically Speaking.

Peeler, Amy & David Capes. Made Son. Hebrews 3:1–6. Exegetically Speaking.

Pierce, Madison. Hebrews and Supersessionism.

Pierce, Madison. Learning from Hebrews and Biblical Studies. Bridging Theology podcast.

Pierce, Madison & David Capes. Distributions of the Holy Spirit: Hebrews 2:4. Exegetically Speaking.

Pierce, Madison & Max Botner. Prosopological Exegesis in Hebrews

Pierce, Madison & Max Botner. Why We Love Hebrews. On the Way. [On Spotify]

Roberts, Alastair. What is the Biblical Theological Significance of Melchizedek?

Roberts, Alastair. How Should We Understand the People Who Fall Away in Hebrews 6?

Scacewater, Todd. Greek Webinar on Hebrews 6:4–8.

Schenck, Kenneth - Podcasts on Hebrews (YouTube Channel).

Schenck, Kenneth - Hebrews Bible Study (Seedbed):
     Week 1: Celebrating Jesus.
     Week 2: Jesus Fulfills the Story of Salvation.
     Week 3: Entering God's Rest.

Schreiner, Thomas. New Testament Survey: Hebrews. Introductory Matters. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4.

Schreiner, Thomas. "Warnings in Hebrews 6: A Response to Questions." Annual Leon Morris Lecture, Ridley College.

Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary - 2010 Advanced Expository Preaching Conference. Speakers include David L. Allen, Herbert Bateman, Matthew McKellar, Calvin Pearson, and Steven Smith.

Stein, Robert. New Testament Survey: Hebrews. Introduction. Content.

Tabatt, Shaun. Interview with Herbert Bateman about his new book, Interpreting the General Letters: An Exegetical Handbook.

Tennent, Timothy. President of Asbury Theological Seminary.
A Theological Explosion (Hebrews Series, part 1)
Standing in Christ Till the End (Hebrews Series, part 2)
Jesus Christ the King Priest (Hebrew Series, part 3)
Jesus Christ, the Perfect Sacrifice (Hebrews Series, part 4)

Thompson, Marianne Meye. Introduction to Hebrews. Introductions to the Books of the Bible. Fuller Studio.

Traina, Robert Angelo, Asbury Theological Seminary Class Lectures on Hebrews
Spring Semester 1980 - NT EB662
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9 - missing
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Spring Semester 1982 - NT EB730
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23

University of Nottingham - Bibledex: Hebrews.

Westfall, Cynthia Long - A Discourse Analysis of Hebrews.
                                        Question & Answer
Witherington, Ben - The Sermon to the Hebrews. Faith in the Folds interview with Kevin Burr.

Rathburn, Aaron - Star Wars Introduction