Saturday, May 7, 2011

New Resources Added

The number of resources on Hebrews on the internet is simply astonishing.  I keep finding more and more resources.  The following resources have been added to the appropriate pages:

Asumang, Annang, and Bill Domeris. “Ministering in the Tabernacle: Spatiality and the Christology of Hebrews.” Conspectus: The Journal of the South African Theological Seminary 1.1 (2006): 1-25.

Betz, Erin L. "Christology in The Epistle to the Hebrews: Martin Luther's Reception of John Chrysostom." M.S.T. thesis, Boston University School of Theology, 2010.

Biesenthal, Johann Heinrich R.H. Das Trostschreiben des Apostels Paulus an die Hebräer. 1878.

Etter, Bruce. "Christology and Psalm 2:7 in the Book of Hebrews." M.A. thesis, Reformed Theological Seminary, 2002.

Fakhoury, Gary. "The Christology of the Letter to the Hebrews." 2004.

Just, Arthur. "Entering Holiness: Christology and Eucharist in Hebrews." Concordia Theological Quarterly 69.1 (2005): 75-95.

Robinson, Donald W. B. “The Literary Structure of Hebrews 1:1-4.” Australian Journal of Biblical Archaeology 1 (1972): 178-86.

Steyn, Gert J. “Addressing an Angelomorphic Christological Myth in Hebrews?Hervormde Teologiese Studies 59 (2003): 1107-28.


  1. Brian,
    Did you ever look into German projects such as VD18? You might find lots of obscure (?) Latin and German booklets, books, articles and dissertations on Hebrews there. Just an example: That might keep you busy for a while ...

  2. I was not familiar with this site. Thanks. It looks like they have links to 18th century resources and they link to library sites that have even older resources into the 17th century. I have not encountered some of this stuff before (and that is saying something). I will probably get around to adding links to these resources at some point.
