Thursday, August 4, 2011

New Articles Added

I just came across these article which have been added to the articles page:

Ackerman, David A. “The High Priesthood of Jesus and the Sanctification of Believers in Hebrews7–10.” Wesleyan Theological Journal 45.1 (Spring 2010): 226–45.

Joslin, Barry C. “Christ Bore the Sins of Many: Substitution and the Atonement in Hebrews.” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 11 (2007): 74–103.

With the addition of this article I have crossed the milestone of 300 links for articles.


  1. Completely unrelated.Have you heard more about the release of Cockerill's NICNT commentary?


  2. No, when I saw Dr. Cockerill last November, he told me that the publisher had the manuscript. So, I suspect it will be out in a year or two.
