First, the website for the Hebrews Group at SBL (formerly the Hebrews Consultation) is hosted by Gabriella Gelardini, professor at the University of Basel. The links on the left provide access to papers previously presented at SBL, as well as providing information for upcoming meetings.
Second, In July 2006 I attended the Hebrews & Theology Conference at St. Andrews in Scotland. Some of the papers presented at this conference are still available on the website and can be accessed by the link on the left. Two books have spun out of this conference. Apparently these books will also be announced on this website. The first book is A Cloud of Witnesses: The Theology of Hebrews in Its Ancient Contexts published by T & T Clark. The second book is The Epistle to the Hebrews and Christian Theology which will be published by Eerdmans.

Third, I want to draw your attention to my friend, Kenneth Schenck's blog, Quadrilateral Thoughts. Ken has written a couple of books, several articles, and presented several papers on Hebrews. His blog is the only one I know of that writes substantively on Hebrews.
Finally, I have included links to three sites that provide links to online resources on Hebrews: Mark Goodacre's NT Gateway, Robert Bradshaw's, and Rodney Decker's Resources for New Testament Studies.
If you know of any other resources that should be added to this blog, I would welcome your input.
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