Abram H. Unruh and Heinrich (Henry) H. Janzen. Der ewige Sohn Gottes: Erbauliche Vorträge über Hebräer Kap. 1-6 und 10 : abgehalten auf der Bibelkonferenz zu Winnipeg am 27.-29. Dezember, 1947. [The eternal Son of God: edifying lectures on Hebrews chapter 1-6 and 10: the Bible Conference held at Winnipeg on 27-29 December 1947]
I find it curious that this Bible conference was held in Canada and published in Canada, yet it is published in German, and in the old Gothic script to boot. The publisher is the Mennonite Brethren Bible College. Unruh (pictured on the left) as its president for one year and professor of biblical studies for ten. Janzen served as its dean (1964-1948) and president (1948-1956).
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