Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Up to Date with Hebrews

Nijay Gupta has a brief blog post on some recent Hebrews commentaries. Of course, if you have been following my blog, I try to post on all new scholarly works on Hebrews. I keep a running list of new works and upcoming works (that I know about) on my "New and Forthcoming Books" page. I try to keep the last three years up. Previous years, starting with 2010, are archived. Of course there are numerous popular-level works that come out every year that I do not bother to mention.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

My Article in BETL Is Finally Published!

It's been three years in coming, but my article is finally published:

Brian C. Small. “The God Who Communicates: A Study in the Characterization of God in Hebrews.” Pages 209–23 in The Letter to the Hebrews. Edited by Régis Burnet. Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium 335. Leuven: Peeters, 2024.

Of course the whole collection of essays is now available for purchase from Peeters. Here is the summary for the whole volume:

"The 70th Colloquium Biblicum Lovaniense was the first in the history of the colloquium to be dedicated exclusively to the Letter to the Hebrews. It indicates the growing scholarly interest in the Letter, which occupies a special place in the Pauline corpus and in the canon because of its literary sophistication and intricate and profound theology. Moving beyond the old debates about its authorship, the colloquium focused on a number of other questions, including the Letter's contextual meaning, its roots in a Jewish context, its innovative use of intertextuality, in which Scripture is used not only as divine narrative, but also as a dynamic tool for exploring and formulating new forms of theological discourse, and the political dimensions of the text playing on the contrast between imperial discourse and a vision of heavenly citizenship. In addition, one will find essays on the Letter's complex portrayal of God, its peculiar stylistic and text-critical features, the significance of the figure of Melchizedek, reflections on the balance between divine wrath and mercy, and chapters from its ancient reception history. This wide-ranging approach illustrates the Letter's historical importance in the development of earliest Christian theology and its impact on Christian theology through the ages."


Monday, July 1, 2024

Attridge Reviews Gause Commentary on Hebrews

Harold W. Attridge reviews R. Hollis Gause's commentary on Hebrews in the Pentecostal Commentary Series in RBL. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

The Oxford Handbook of Hebrews and the Catholic Epistles

Just published:


While the Gospels, Paul’s letters, and the Book of Revelation have been well served by volumes orienting readers to the scholarly literature and to their reception histories, Hebrews and the Catholic Epistles have not received nearly the same attention. This relative neglect is in part a legacy of the Reformation in the sixteenth century. Insofar as doctrinal purity in Protestant circles was defined according to rubrics that were, implicitly or explicitly, Pauline in orientation, Hebrews and the Catholic Epistles were at an obvious disadvantage. However, these writings have had a great influence on Christianity throughout the centuries. As it turns out, the study of Hebrews and the Catholic Epistles was never truly confined to their place in fraught ecclesiastical disputes. Recent decades have witnessed a resurgence of interest in these writings. The present volume seeks to assess the relevance of these works to various questions that are often posed to other parts of the New Testament canon, to report on the current state of scholarship devoted to the interpretive issues they raise, and to survey their rich and often overlooked afterlives. Divided into four parts—general issues, topics related to Hebrews, topics related to the Catholic Epistles, and reception and engagement—The Oxford Handbook of Hebrews and the Catholic Epistles studies these books individually as witnesses to the cultural and theological diversity of the early church but also for what they reveal about the process that would eventually produce the New Testament canon.

Click on the link above to see the contributors to this volume.

Monday, June 10, 2024

Bibel und Kirche Articles

I recently acquired an issue of Bibel und Kirche 48.4 (1993). It contains 5 articles on Hebrews that I had not previously come across while I was doing my doctoral work. I don't know how I missed it. It contains one article by Erich Grässer, which gives an overview on 8 German-language commentaries on Hebrews that appeared from 1968 to 1991. I have added the reference to the History of Research page. The issue also includes book reviews on three, at that time, recent books on Hebrews, including the first volume of Grässer's commentary. It was quite a find and I'm glad I now have the issue in my possession.

Friday, May 31, 2024

Hebrews Highlights - April & May 2024

Andrew Perriman rethinks the quotation of Psalm 102:25–27 in Hebrews 1.

Brian Abasciano answers appeals Hebrews 13:5 as a prooftext for "once saved, always saved."

B. J. Oropeza explores the question "Are those who fall away really Christians?" in his analysis of Hebrews 6:4–6.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Thanks to Eerdmans

I want to thank Eerdmans for a copy of Amy Peeler's new commentary on Hebrews. I did not solicit Eerdmans for a copy but someone initiated an order for me. Perhaps they saw my previous announcement on this blog. Anyway, thank you! I hope I will be able to review the book for this blog.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Patterns of Repetition, Structure, and Meaning in Hebrews

"While many have recognized unusual patterns of repetition within the book of Hebrews, which seem to play a range of important functions within the text, the consistency of this patterning has not been fully appreciated and its function has been largely unexamined. This study investigates the location and function of what we have termed "link clusters" within Hebrews from the perspective of discourse analysis, to gain fresh insight into the language, structure, and genre of Hebrews; into the book's relationship to the Old Testament; and into the book's authorship and meaning. This work proposes, first, that Hebrews uses repetition to establish formal connections between words and phrases marked as significant by their location and context with respect to other similarly connected words and phrases; second, that link clusters serve to structure the book of Hebrews by uniting the text into a series of overlapping, concentric, and coherent units; and, third, that link clusters also serve an important topical function, clarifying and amplifying intended meaning as pairs of matching topic sentences that respectively introduce and conclude each section and subsection of the discourse by summarizing its content."

Friday, May 3, 2024

Amy Peeler's Commentary on Hebrews

The publication date is said to be May 21 but apparently Amy's commentary is available now:

Amy Peeler. Hebrews. Commentaries for Christian Formation. Eerdmans.


"How can the Letter to the Hebrews help Christians grow in their faith?

The Letter to the Hebrews tells us that God is trustworthy—that we can trust in Jesus’s defeat of death to lead us to eternal life. Complicating this crucial message, the letter’s enigmatic origins, dense intertextuality, and complex theological import can present challenges to believers wrestling with the text today.

Amy Peeler opens up Hebrews for Christians seeking to understand God in this learned and pastoral volume of Commentaries for Christian Formation. Her fresh translation and detailed commentary offer insights into Christology, the relationship between Judaism and Christianity, and the letter’s canonical resonances. She pays special attention to how the text approaches redemption, providing consolation for the anxious and correction for the presumptuous.

Peeler explains the letter’s original context while remaining focused on its relevance to Christian communities today. Pastors and lay readers alike will learn how Hebrews helps them know, trust, and love God more deeply."

Monday, April 29, 2024

Believers Church Bible Commentary on Hebrews

Debra J. Bucher and Estella Boggs Horning. Hebrews. Believers Church Bible Commentary. Herald Press.


"What constitutes a faithful life? At its most basic level, the New Testament book of Hebrews considers this essential question and pleads with its audience to find in faithful living the rest that Christ offers. The book begins with a poetic reflection on the one who lived the most faithful of lives—Jesus—and concludes with words of exhortation to go and do likewise.  

In the 37th volume in the Believers Church Bible Commentary series, scholars Debra J. Bucher and Estella Horning examine at great length one important aspect of Hebrews: Jesus as the “new covenant” and the “once for all,” better sacrifice who replaces the daily and yearly sacrifices offered in the temple in Jerusalem. The authors give attention to the ways this idea has been used to minimize the value of other religious traditions and even to legitimize the horrors of the mid-twentieth century. They carefully unpack the language around sacrifice and covenant based on the saving work of Jesus, drawing out encouragement found in Hebrews to live as individuals and as a community led by Jesus, the pioneer and high priest. 

Bucher and Horning don’t shy away from the difficult language in Hebrews, but rather help readers understand its historical context and then how to use the text with love within our own context. 

About the Believers Church Bible Commentary series 

This readable commentary series is for all who seek more fully to understand the original message of Scripture and its meaning for today—Sunday school teachers, members of Bible study groups, students, pastors, and other seekers. —From the Series Foreword."

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Consolatory Rhetoric in Hebrews (and Other Hellenistic Literature).

Christine R. Trotter. Hellenistic Jews and Consolatory Rhetoric: 2 Maccabees, Wisdom of Solomon, 1 Thessalonians, and Hebrews. Mohr Siebeck.

"Christine R. Trotter elucidates how Hellenistic Jewish writers attempted to comfort those living in the midst of and in the wake of persecution and violence. While past scholarship has explored this question primarily in terms of the development of Jewish apocalypticism and afterlife beliefs, Christine R. Trotter takes a comprehensive approach by investigating how Hellenistic Jewish authors engaged with ancient consolatory rhetoric, that is, the means of persuasion intended to move a suffering person out of grief and into joy. Through studies on 2 Maccabees, the Wisdom of Solomon, 1 Thessalonians, and Hebrews, the author explicates how Hellenistic Jewish authors navigated the diverse traditions of consolation within their biblical heritage and Greco-Roman culture. Her work has important implications for the genre of 1 Thessalonians and the dates of composition of the Wisdom of Solomon and Hebrews."

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Robert Wall on Reading Hebrews

I have just discovered this book which is newly published:

Robert W. Wall. Reading Hebrews (Second Series):A Literary and Theological Commentary. Smyth & Helwys.

Book Description

The New Testament’s letter “To the Hebrews” presents one of Scripture’s most influential interpretations of Jesus as God’s Son and exalted Messiah, who is both the essential revelation of a covenant-keeping God and the faithful agent of God’s eternal salvation. Yet Hebrews is routinely neglected in its study and proclamation in part because of its exclusion from either of the two canonical collections of apostolic letters, Pauline and Catholic. But context matters. This commentary argues that the context that matters most for a close reading and careful practice of Hebrews as Scripture is the one that surrounds the letter within the final edition of the New Testament canon. Rather than a rival of Paul’s crucified Christ or someone other than the exemplary Jesus of the Catholic Epistles, the priestly Christ Jesus of Hebrews, both divine and yet “made like his human sisters and brothers in every respect” (2:17), is received as their canonical complement to provide a more complete inspired interpretation of the church’s Lord and Savior than is possible by one or another biblical witness.

Friday, April 5, 2024

Bible Study Method and the Key to Hebrews

Here is a new podcast with Andy Miller and Rick Boyd on the topic of "Bible Study Method and the Key to Hebrews."

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Robert J. Cara Commentary on Hebrews

Newly published:

Robert J. Cara. Hebrews: A Mentor Commentary. Christian Focus Publications, 2024.


"New Testament professor Robert J. Cara’s addition to the Mentor Commentary series highlights the timely message of Hebrews to persevere in Christ.

Bringing a particularly Reformed viewpoint, Robert J. Cara underscores the presentation of Jesus as the Son and high priest. In a letter written to encourage and exhort the believers, Cara uncovers how the superior person and superior work of Jesus is broadcast loud and clear to draw back hearts tempted to drift from this glorious reality.

Cara’s love for studying God’s word shines through this comprehensive and clarifying commentary. He connects God’s word to God’s world and brings each section to a close by culminating with a personal reflection that encourages us to delight in and absorb the glorious truth on display.

An essential guide to understanding, enjoying and applying Hebrews; rediscover the supremacy of Christ and respond with rekindled affection."

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Loader Reviews Urga, Intercession of Jesus in Hebrews

William R. G. Loader reviews Abeneazer G. Urga, Intercession of Jesus in Hebrews: The Background and Nature of Jesus’ Heavenly Intercession in the Epistle to the Hebrews in RBL.


New Irish Theological Quarterly Article

Moore, Nicholas J. “Supersessionism and the Cult Attitude of Stephen and Hebrews.” Irish Theological Quarterly (2024): 1–18.

"In the face of continued debates about Christian supersessionism with regard to Judaism, this article revisits two texts which have been thought to display the harshest anti-temple attitudes in the New Testament: Stephen’s speech in Acts 7, and the Letter to the Hebrews. Many scholars believe these two texts are connected, and a perceived anti-cultic attitude forms one of the key alleged similarities between the two. The article first examines shared lexical and conceptual points between the two texts, affirming their proximity. It then examines each text’s cult attitude in turn. Stephen portrays the temple as divinely given yet always subordinate to God’s heavenly presence. Hebrews frames deficiencies in the Levitical cultus as divinely intended in light of the heavenly tabernacle. These texts therefore do not condemn but instead relativize Israel’s earthly sanctuary/ies, in keeping with themes in Israel’s Scriptures, and thus should not be regarded as supsersessionist."

New NTS Article

Cole, M. I. “‘Somewhere Someone Testified’: TheHermeneutical Function of Indefinite Citation Formulae in the Epistle to theHebrews.” New Testament Studies 70.1 (2024): 99–110.

"The author to the Hebrews makes the seemingly strange choice to introduce two quotations from the LXX with indefinite markers (Heb 2.6; 4.4). While some commentators do not consider these introductions, others have argued that they function either rhetorically to engage the audience or theologically to highlight the divine speaker. This article argues that a hermeneutical function better explains the author's choices: the author uses the indefiniteness to guide his audience in how to interpret each quoted passage. The author uses the indefinite marker of place (που) to remove both Gen 2.2 and Ps 8.5–7 LXX from their salvation-historical context; this results in the rest of God (Heb 3–4) and the role of humanity within creation (Heb 2) applying equally to the present and the coming ages. He pairs this with the indefinite marker of person (τις) in his introduction to Ps 8 to indicate that the audience should not interpret it prosopologically as the speech of the Son to the Father; rather the Psalm testifies to the role of humanity within the present and the coming worlds, a role which the Son incarnate fulfils. This hermeneutical explanation aligns with other instances of indefinite citation markers in Second Temple Judaism, most notably in Philo. This argument, therefore, both adds depth to the characterisation of the author as a careful reader of Scripture and brings out the intended meaning and function of Ps 8 and Gen 2 in the discourse of Hebrews more clearly."

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Two New Novum Testamentum Articles

Jihye Lee. "Jesus’s Solidarity with Human Mortality and Perfection of Sonship in the Epistle to the Hebrews." Novum Testamentum 66.1 (2024): 95–111.

In relation to the discussion on the concept of perfection in Hebrews, the author’s emphasis on Jesus’s solidarity with human mortality has been considered as simple reference to the precondition of his Christological role and his sympathetic character, which shares human weaknesses. However, the substantial connection between the discussions on sonship in Heb 12 and on the Son in Heb 1–2 suggests a fresh reading of the text’s emphasis on Jesus’s mortality along with his role as ἀρχηγός of other sons. The author of Hebrews presents the notion that human mortality is a divinely designed opportunity for the sons of God to acquire the discipline necessary to be prepared to become the heirs of the eternal inheritance. The one who totally entrusts his own life to the Father is the genuinely obedient son, and this true obedience is cultivated when the sons choose obedience on the occasion of the test, i.e., “fear of death,” which is unaffectedly derived from the status of mortality.

Matthew C. Easter. "'Profane Like Esau': Sexual Immorality, Bitterness, and Community Abandonment in Hebrews 12:14–17." Novum Testamentum 66.1 (2024): 112–25.
The author of Hebrews accuses Esau of sexual immorality in Heb 12:16. This essay argues Esau’s sexual immorality is his marriage to foreign women, which sowed seeds of discord in the family and led ultimately to his unredeemable exclusion from the community. Esau’s exogamous marriage, as such, is not the concern in Hebrews, but rather how his mixed marriage introduced bitterness into the family and led ultimately to him abandoning the group. Like the wilderness generation in Num 13–14, Esau lost his inheritance by failing to persevere with the community. Tested against recent studies of conversion and deconversion, we see how Esau becomes a paradigmatic community-abandoning apostate and a warning against similar abandonment. 

Saturday, January 20, 2024

New Resources Added

I have added a link to the following resource under Theses & Dissertation:

Tomesch, Harald. "Genre and Outline: The Key to the Literary Structure of Hebrews." Th.D. diss., Concordia Seminary, 1996. 

I have added a link to the following resource under Books (Complete):

Bligh, John. Chiastic Analysis of the Epistle to the Hebrews. 1966.