Saturday, November 30, 2013

Hebrews Highlights - November 2013

The Hebrews Highlights (formerly Carnival) for the month of November 2013:

Shawn Wilhite queries, Did Early Communities Have a Pauline Reading of Hebrews?

Abram K-J contends that Hebrews ventures an answer to the question, Who Is Isaiah's Shepherd of the Sheep?

Ken Schenck summarizes his SBL paper indicating How Hebrews and Philo connected Scriptures. He concludes by venturing a proposal for the authorship of Hebrews . . .

Gabriella Gelardini announced at the final Hebrews session at SBL that she and Harold Attridge will be editing a volume consisting of twenty of the best papers given at the Hebrews group over the past eight years.  The volume will be published with Brill.

Also, a reminder: you can access many of the papers that were delivered in the SBL Hebrews Group sessions on Gelardini's webpage.  See sidebar for the link.  This year's papers are not available yet.

Friday, November 29, 2013

New Expositor Articles Added

Rob Bradshaw continues to add more and more articles to his site.  He has recently completed the first series of The Expositor (1875–1880).  The following articles are pertinent to the book of Hebrews:

R. E. Bartlett. "The Cloud of Witnesses. Hebrews xii. 1." The Expositor first series 5.2 (Feb. 1877): 149–53.

Samuel Cox. "The Conversion of Sarah. Genesis XVIII. 1–15; Hebrews XI. 11." The Expositor first series 12.5 (Nov. 1880): 345–55.

George Matheson. "Christianity and Judaism. Hebrews 1. 1,2." The Expositor first series 10.4 (Oct. 1879): 275–91.

James Morison. "The First Chapter of the Epistle to the Hebrews. Verses 1 and 2." The Expositor first series 1.1 (Jan. 1875): 60–70.

James Morison. "The First Chapter of the Epistle to the Hebrews. Verses 3 and 4." The Expositor first series 1.2 (Feb. 1875): 119–28.

James Morison. "The First Chapter of the Epistle to the Hebrews. Verse 5." The Expositor first series 1.3 (Mar. 1875): 185–96.

James Morison. "The First Chapter of the Epistle to the Hebrews. Verse 5." The Expositor first series 1.4 (April. 1875): 279–86.

James Morison. "The First Chapter of the Epistle to the Hebrews. Verse 6." The Expositor first series 1.5 (May. 1875): 349–65.

James Morison. "The First Chapter of the Epistle to the Hebrews. Verses 7–9 (in Particular, Verse 7." The Expositor first series 1.6 (June. 1875): 447–62.

James Morison. "The First Chapter of the Epistle to the Hebrews. Verses 8 and 9." The Expositor first series 2.4 (Oct. 1875): 295–316.

James Morison. "The First Chapter of the Epistle to the Hebrews. Verses 10–14." The Expositor first series 2.6 (Dec. 1875): 418–33.

J. J. Stewart Perowne. "Wind and Fire Ministers of God. Psalm civ. 4; Hebrews i. 7." The Expositor 8.6 (Dec. 1878): 461–67.

E. H. Plumptre. "The Writings of Apollos. An Attempt to Fix the Authorship of the Wisdom of Solomon and the Epistle to the Hebrews." The Expositor first series 1.5 (May 1875): 329–48.

E. H. Plumptre. "The Life and Writings of Apollos II. An Attempt to Fix the Authorship of the Wisdom of Solomon and the Epistle to the Hebrews." The Expositor first series 1.6 (June 1875): 409–35.

John Smyth Purton. "The Golden Censer. A Note on Hebrews ix. 4." The Expositor 6.6 (Dec. 1877): 469–71.

John Smyth Purton. "Testament or Covenant? A Note on Hebrews ix. 15–22." The Expositor 7.1 (Jan. 1878): 73–77.

Edward William Shalders. "In Few Words. A Note on Hebrews xiii. 22." The Expositor 7.2 (Feb. 1878): 155–57.

Carson Lectures Series on Hebrews

TEDS Lecture Series has posted a four-part video lecture series on the book of Hebrews by D. A. Carson.  You can access the videos via the links below.  Naturally, these links will be placed on  the Mulimedia page of this blog.

Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

Video 4 

Friday, November 1, 2013

New Swedish Commentary on Hebrews

Walter Übelacker has published a new commentary in Swedish on the Book of Hebrews in the
Kommentar till Nya Testamentet (KNT) series:

Walter Übelacker. Hebreerbrevet. Verbum, 2013.

Here is the blurb for the book (roughly translated from the Swedish):

"The commentary to the Hebrews was written by Walter Übelacker, Associate Professor of New Testament Exegesis, formerly of the University of Lund.Commentary on the New Testament, abbreviated KNT, is a Swedish Commentary series, which aims to be a tool for Bible readers. The series is aimed at everyone who seriously wants to work with the biblical texts. KNT assumes no knowledge of the Bible's original languages​​. The commentary is based on the translation found in the Bible in 2000. The series is largely oriented to the text and its message. KNT has a uniform structure, which means that each section of the biblical text is commented on in three sections: notes, analysis and interpretation. The notes highlight specific details that need to be explained. Sometimes here there are historical, geographical and other relevant information for the understanding of the text. The analysis includes matters that are important for understanding the interpretation of the text section as a whole. It may be a connection, structural form, literary qualities and the like. The exposition pulls together the threads and explains the text's message. This last part can be read independently of the previous two sections. KNT is both a commentary and a manual. It can function so through its design and its detailed references. Many writers from different backgrounds participate in the commentary series."

HT: Tommy Wasserman