Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Two Other New Books On Hebrews

Apparently I have not reported on two other new books on Hebrews that have come out recently:

Michael Kibbe. Godly Fear or Ungodly Failure? Hebrews 12 and the Sinai Theophanies.

"Aims and Scope:
A cursory glance at Hebrews' critique of Israel's fear at Sinai in Heb 12:18-29 suggests that the author has misunderstood or manipulated his sources. In the Pentateuch, the appointment of Moses as Israel's mediator receives explicit approval (Exod 19:9; Deut 5:28), while Heb 12:25 labels their request for mediation a "refusal" to heed the word of God.This bookargues that Hebrews' use of the Sinai narratives resides on a complex trajectory established by four points: the Sinai covenant according to Exodus, the reenactment of that covenant according to Deuteronomy, the call for a NEW covenant according to Jeremiah, and the present reality of that covenant established by God and mediated by Jesus Christ.

The basis for Hebrews' critique arises from its insight that while Israel's request established covenant-from-a-distance, Jesus demonstrates that true covenant mediation brings two parties into a single space. The purpose for Hebrews critique lies in its summons to Zion, the mountain on which Jesus sits at the right hand of God as the high priestly mediator of the new covenant."

Kibbe's book is book is based on his doctoral dissertation which was announced on this blog earlier.

Gabriella Gelardini and Harold W. Attridge. Hebrews in Contexts.

"Scholars of Hebrews have repeatedly echoed the almost proverbial saying that the book appears to its reader as a "Melchizedekian being without genealogy". For such scholars the aphorism identified prominent traits of Hebrews, its enigma, its otherness, its marginality. Although Franz Overbeck might unintentionally have stimulated such correlations, they do not represent what his dictum originally meant. Writing during the high noon of historicism in 1880, Overbeck lamented a lack of historical context, one that he had deduced on the basis of flawed presuppositions of the ideological frameworks prevalent of his time. His assertion made an impact, and consequently Hebrews was not only "othered" within New Testament scholarship, its context was neglected and by some, even judged as irrelevant altogether. Understandably, the neglect created a deficit keenly felt by more recent scholarship, which has developed a particular interest in Hebrews’ contexts. Hebrews in Contexts, edited by Gabriella Gelardini and Harold W. Attridge, is an expression of this interest. It gathers authors who explore extensively on Hebrews’ relations to other early traditions and texts (Jewish, Hellenistic, and Roman) in order to map Hebrews’ historical, cultural, and religious identity in greater, and perhaps surprising detail."

This book is a collection based on papers that were delivered in the Hebrews Group sessions of SBL over the past several years.

New Swetnam Book on Hebrews

James Swetnam. Hebrews: An Interpretation.

From the webpage:
"The present work is an attempt to arrive at a plausible macro-structure of the Epistle to the Hebrews based on a palusible micro-structure which in turn is based on a close reading of the individual sentences of the text. This close reading is, in turn, an attempt to come to plausible grips with all meaningful elements in the sentences including the numerous cruces. All of this is done with a legitimate consultation of the Magisterium of the Catholic Church. Among the findings from this approach to the text that are advanced in this study are: the Eucharist as Divine Presence and human Sacrifice, the two priesthoods of Jesus Christ, earthly and heavenly; the two victimhoods of Jesus Christ earthly and heavenly; the centrality of faith-trust in the lives of all Christians; the role of God the Father in the institution of the Eucharist and the founding of the Church; the role of Abraham's faith in the life of Jesus Christ as human and in the life of all Christians; the rite of the Eucharist as practiced in the Church in Rome before 70 A.D."


Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Wilhite Review of Peeler, You Are My Son

Shawn J. Wilhite reviews Amy Peeler's You Are My Son: The Family of God in the Epistle to the Hebrews.

I too have reviewed the book, which will appear in a forthcoming issue of Bulletin for Biblical Research.