Thursday, September 8, 2022

Listening to Hebrews in the 21st Century

My friend, Gary Cockerill, has a new book out on Hebrews. I am pleased to announce the publication of this book.

Yesterday, Today, and Forever: Listening to Hebrews in the Twenty-First Century.

"Yesterday, Today, and Forever is not a theology of the Letter to the Hebrews, nor is it simply another commentary on the text. Nevertheless, if you take time to work through this reading guide, you will gain a rich, holistic understanding of Hebrews' theology, and you will be able to come back to this volume again and again as a resource for personal growth, teaching, and preaching. This book was written out of the author's desire to share the fruit of more than thirty-five years of study and meditation on this often neglected but rich New Testament book, to help readers see its vision of the all-sufficient Christ and to gain a holistic grasp of the way the author of Hebrews has arranged the material of this book to encourage us in a life of faithfulness--a message of importance for the world in which we live. The book of Hebrews has been divided into seven weeks of daily readings (forty-nine days), so you will have time for Hebrews to permeate your heart and mind. If you patiently follow this schedule, you will be rewarded with an understanding of Hebrews unavailable to those who want a quick fix." 


“Cockerill . . . presents the fruit of his work in a book that is accessible to every student of the Bible. What we find here are the reflections of a scholar who has marinated in Hebrews for years. The structure of the letter, the meaning of the text, its theological significance, and the pastoral application are unpacked clearly and profoundly. Pastors, students, and all who want to understand Hebrews will want to read this book.”
—Thomas R. Schreiner, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

“Cockerill brings to fresh life the often-neglected book of Hebrews. Cockerill guides the reader through a magnificent seven-week journey through the glorious heights and peaks of this cherished landscape of biblical revelation. In the process, he reveals to us anew how Christ fulfills all of the great themes of the Old Testament, such as law, sacrifice, and priesthood. I encourage Christians to engage in this amazing journey and recapture anew the glorious identity of Jesus Christ for all time.”
—Timothy C. Tennent, Asbury Theological Seminary

“Yesterday, Today, and Forever is such a treasure! Cockerill’s many years of in-depth study and eager willingness to be mentored by the ‘pastor’ of Hebrews richly infuses this present volume. . . . Cockerill’s own pastoral heart makes this seven-week study winsome, compelling, and accessible. This book opens the door to one of the most powerful, beautiful, and persuasive sermons ever written! Those who enter this door will be richly blessed.”
—Dana M. Harris, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

“The grandeur and beauty of the book of Hebrews are only matched by its avoidance and near ignorance in the church. . . . In Yesterday, Today, and Forever, Cockerill puts his lifetime of studying and living Hebrews on the table in front of us and in a plate served just to us. This beautiful, timely book is what the church needs!”
—Scot McKnight, Northern Seminary

“For some, the book of Hebrews is ‘too difficult’. But unless they engage with it, they are likely to remain spiritual infants. In this superb sevenweek guide, a leading Hebrews scholar takes us step by step through the book. Through its pastoral teaching, we can be shaped and formed into adult Christians. Highly recommended!”
—Thomas A. Noble, Nazarene Theological Seminary

“In this reading guide, Cockerill has masterfully and passionately showcased the crown jewels discovered during his lifetime of exploration in the book of Hebrews. These rich meditations . . . provide a clear and concise guide for a life-changing seven-week journey. Listen afresh to the inspired sermon/letter of ‘the pastor.’ This is a journey not to be missed, and never to be forgotten!”
—Richard M. Davidson, Andrews University

“In a day when Hebrews is often overlooked, Yesterday, Today, and Forever is very much needed. Not only is it grounded in Gareth Cockerill’s lifetime of scholarship, it’s also an accessible guide for the faith and practice of the broader church. Readers will find their knowledge and experience of God in Christ strengthened and deepened.”
—Matt O’Reilly, Wesley Biblical Seminary

“Yesterday, Today and Forever takes Dr. Cockerill’s mind as a Hebrews scholar and combines it beautifully with his pastor’s heart to give a study that is as spiritually formative as it is intellectually. . . . Whether used in personal devotions, textbook for a class, or study in the local church, the Holy Spirit will use it to form believers into greater likeness to God through our ‘all-sufficient High Priest who remains forever.’”
—Christopher T. Bounds, Indiana Wesleyan University