Sunday, September 6, 2009

Articles on Hebrews in 2009 (Thus Far)

There is usually some lag time between when an article is published and when it finally gets recorded in a search engine database such as ATLA, so it is often difficult to track down the newest articles on a given subject. Here are the newest articles on Hebrews that I could find for the year 2009 to date. If you know of any others that I am missing I would appreciate it if you would let me know.

Backhaus, Knut. “Zwei harte Knoten: Todes- und Gerichtsangst im Hebräerbrief.” New Testament Studies 55 (2009): 198-217.

Docherty, Susan. “The Text Form of the OT Citations in Hebrews Chapter 1 and the Implications for the Study of the Septuagint.” New Testament Studies 55 (2009): 355-65.

Gelardini, Gabriella. “From ‘Linguistic Turn’ and Hebrews Scholarship to Anadiplosis Iterata: The Enigma of a Structure.” Harvard Theological Review 102 (2009): 51-73.

Granerød, Gard. “Melchizedek in Hebrews 7.” Biblica 90 (2009): 188-202.

Lamp, Jeffrey. “Creational Christology: A Rationale for Wesleyans to Care for the Created Order.” Wesleyan Theological Journal 44 (2009): 91-103.

Lampe, Peter. “Hypostasis as a Component of New Testament Christology (Hebrews 1:3).” Pages 63-71 in Who Is Jesus Christ for Us Today?: Pathways to Contemporary Christology. Edited by Andreas Schuele and Günter Thomas. Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 2009.

Ounsworth, Richard. “What Are They Saying about the Letter to the Hebrews?” Scripture Bulletin 39.2 (2009): 76-90.

Schmitt, Mary. “Restructuring Views on Law in Hebrews 7:12.” Journal of Biblical Literatue 128 (2009): 189-201.

Swetnam, James. “των λαληθησομενων in Hebrews 3,5.” Biblica 90 (2009): 93-100.

Thiessen, Matthew. “Hebrews 12.5-13, the Wilderness Period, and Israel’s Discipline.” New Testament Studies 55 (2009): 366-79.

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